Are you tired of your anxiety ruining every part of your day and even your sleep?

According to the NHS, up to 5% of the UK's population is affected by generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). 1

Everybody experiences anxiety at some point in their life.

With that being said, some people experience more severe symptoms.

Therapy can help with anxiety. But, it is time-consuming, requires effort and costly.

There is a cheaper and healthier alternative when it comes to improving anxiety. It comes in the form of vitamins, vitamin B to be exact.

Vitamin B for anxiety may help reduce symptoms, here's why.

But, first of all...

What Is Vitamin B?

B vitamins are nutrients that play a role in the way your brain functions.

That's because they produce chemicals in your brain that are responsible for your mood.

B vitamins are made up of the following:

  • B1 Thiamine
  • B2 Riboflavin
  • B3 Niacin
  • B5 Pantothenic acid
  • B6 Pyridoxine)
  • B7 Biotin
  • B9 Folate
  • B12 Cobalamin

Each plays a significant role in the way your body functions. For example, thiamine helps to convert food into energy and boosts metabolism, whereas B12 plays a vital role in cognitive function. 2, 3

Certain environments and situations may trigger your anxiety. Once one anxious thought appears, many others tend to follow.

How Can B Vitamins Help Your Anxiety?

B5 acts as a support for adrenal glands. Adrenal glands help to reduce stress and anxiety and are found at the top of each kidney.

Adrenal glands are part of your endocrine system, which is responsible for producing hormones.

With age, vitamin B decreases. Other factors that may also contribute to deficiency in Vitamin B include:

  • Poor diet
  • Pregnancy
  • Alcohol
  • Genetics
  • Medication
  • Medical conditions

All these contribute to your body demanding more B vitamins.

Vitamin has been linked to reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In one study, 60 adults who suffered from depression were given a treatment of vitamin B for 60 days. 4 They saw significant improvements in their anxiety and depression symptoms.

Another 33-day study of 215 healthy men was treated with a high-dose of vitamin B saw a big improvement not only in their mood and general health but also in their cognitive function. 5

There have been many studies that have demonstrated that vitamin B for anxiety is sufficient treatment.

Of course, there are other natural remedies and treatments that you can do as well.

For example, taking on a new hobby, going for walks in nature, meditating and using essential oils. These are all-natural ways that may help you reduce your anxiety. Better yet, they are totally free!

Your diet also plays a huge role in the effects of your mood. As they say, you are what you eat.

You can get the vitamin B nutrients from foods like milk, cheese, eggs, oily fish, red meat and dark green vegetables.

A bad diet is bad for your overall health and bad dietary choices may also trigger your anxiety.

If you are a coffee drinker, try to reduce your caffeine intake as much as possible. Caffeine can sometimes cause heart palpitations which can be trigger bouts of anxiety and depression.

Sugar is also a major adrenal stimulant and sugary foods, although delicious can make your anxiety worse.

Processed meats, fried foods, and fizzy drinks can all trigger anxiety and should be avoided wherever possible. 6

The Bottom Line

Dealing with anxiety is stressful, but there are ways that you can manage it.

If you have any concerns and take medication it is a good idea to talk to your doctor first.

If you want vitamin B for anxiety opting for supplements is a good choice. Being deficient in vitamin B, impacts your mood heavily. All the supplements do is help aid what you are deficient in.

The best way is to combine supplements with other natural remedies and anxiety-reducing activities.

Anxiety is different for every person, take the time to figure what triggers your anxiety and what helps your anxiety.