Did you know that 16 million adults in the UK suffer from sleepless nights? 1

If you have trouble getting a full night's sleep, you are not alone.

Changing your sleep routine, reducing your caffeine intake, and making changes to your diet can make a difference. But, they are often short-term solutions.

Even if you eat healthily and exercise regularly, you can still have a bad night's sleep.

Let's face it, there is nothing worse than not having a good night's sleep and waking up cranky.

But, the good news is, magnesium for sleep and anxiety may help you get that full night's sleep that you deserve.

Here's why.

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that helps keep your blood pressure normal, your bones strong, and improves nerve function.

Magnesium is a must for your health. It plays a role in over 300 enzyme reactions in your body. 2

Many do not get enough magnesium through diet, and if you have a magnesium deficiency it can heavily impact your sleep.

Calms your mind and body

To get a good night's sleep, your mind and body need to be relaxed.

When you take magnesium, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system. In other words, it's the system that helps you get relaxed. 3

Melatonin is a hormone the regulates your sleep-wake cycle when you take a magnesium supplement for sleep, it helps to guide the melatonin. 4

Once you take a dose of magnesium, it starts to calm your nervous system helping you to fully relax.

Low levels interfere with your sleep

According to research by Aviva, 31% of people in the UK say they suffer from insomnia. 1

Not having enough magnesium in your body can cause insomnia and restless sleep.

This is also because low levels have magnesium have been linked to mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

A review from 2017, indicated that low levels of magnesium were linked to higher levels of anxiety. 5

Better quality of sleep

Magnesium doesn't just relax you in order for you to fall asleep. It actually improves the quality of your sleep.

According to various studies, magnesium for sleep and anxiety plays a significant role.

One study suggested that a group of adults who were given 500mg of magnesium experienced better quality sleep. 6 If you suffer from anxiety you know that certain environments and situations can be a trigger.

When you don't get a good night's sleep, that may also trigger your anxiety.

Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to anxiety. That's because of your endocrine system, the system responsible for hormone production. More specifically, your adrenal glands are responsible for controlling your anxiety levels.

How to take magnesium

Magnesium can be found in foods such as:

  • Avocados

  • Nuts

  • Dark chocolate

  • Whole grains

  • Seeds

  • Legumes

  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, etc)

  • Meat

  • Fruits

While you can get magnesium for healthy foods like the ones mentioned above and even by drinking water, sometimes it just isn't enough.

Especially, if you have a busy schedule and are constantly on the go.

The Institute of Medicine recommends a daily dose of 310-360 mg of magnesium for adult women and 400-420 mg for adult men. 7

When it comes to magnesium supplements for sleep and anxiety, the recommended dose is 350mg per day.

However, it is important that you consult your doctor beforehand, as it can interfere with some medication.

Although it is unlikely that you experience any side effects when taking magnesium health supplements for sleep, some side effects may include nausea, cramps, and diarrhea.

The bottom line

Taking magnesium for sleep and anxiety in the form of supplements may aid not only your sleep but your anxiety too.

Magnesium is a vital mineral to maintain your overall health. Without it, your body doesn't function to its full potential.

When you take magnesium in the correct dose, you are allowing your mind and body to relax setting the tone for the best night's sleep you could possibly get.

To fully reap the rewards of magnesium, look to incorporate magnesium-rich foods into your diet as well as taking supplements.

It can be tough to break the cycle of uninterrupted sleep and anxiety makes it worse But, it is achievable. Keeping your levels of magnesium where they need to be will lead to a happier and much calmer you.